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  • Web Crawler

  • This is a simple Python web crawler that could fetch COVID-19 cases information from https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-alberta-data.aspx and then store those data to a MySQL database. Future plan: Planning to use JavaScript and MySQL database to create a visualized histogram to show the change of COVID-19 cases.

  • Paintball

  • Paintball is an Arduino game that allow use to fight evolving enemy block. It used Genetic Algorithm to generate random movement patterns.

  • Driving route finder

  • Driving route finder is a C++ program that allow users to find the shortest path between 2 selected restaurants on an Edmonton map.

  • Huffman Tree

  • Using Huffman tree structure to display a picture of David A. Huffman on a given website.

  • Arduino RSA Encrypted Communication

  • Using RSA encryption method to communicate between 2 Arduino. All keys are generated randomly by determining the voltage flow on a pin of Arduino board.

  • Meme SlackBot

  • A custom SlackBot that could tell random memes.

  • AlbertaLoop_GUI

  • This is my personal version of GUI created by Qt Creator and Qt Designer. Be sure to download PyQt5 before executing the .py file.

  • Auto Vehicle

  • Avatar

    This is a Arduino vehicle that could automatically change direction. When the vihecle is close to a wall or obstacle, the distance censor will swing around and determine which side is clean so the vihecle could turn to.